Get Better Faster by Leading Your Personal Health Investigation.

While we can’t teach you to run your own MRI, we can help you determine if this test (or others) can be helpful and teach you how to advocate for the investigation. 

Making Being Your Own Best doctor a little easier

“ No one believes something is going on down there.”

It's time to be heard

have you said to yourself

Dr. Christina Carew, ND

Medical Director and Change Agent

Dr. Christina Carew is a functional medical investigator who approaches health with an out-of-the-box problem solving attitude. Her patients love that she breaks what seems like complicated mumbo-jumbo into humorous stories, and digestible information nuggets. She witnesses that empowering patients to better understand their own health leads to better outcomes and healthier lives. 

Christina became a naturopathic doctor after experiencing her own complex heath journey. Her passion is to make health “easy to understand” for everyone. She is a forever learner, especially around the role our environment on health, how our gut really is the center of many health concerns and how our mental wellness affects our daily living. 

An international speaker, a published author, and an outdoor enthusiast. Her husband refers to her as a mermaid for her love of water sports and the ocean. 

let's work together

We are always looking to add good people to our roster, so if there is someone you think we should know, shout their name from the rooftops (or send us a note).

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