Whether you are terrified to leave your house after eating, or ride around with an extra set of clothes (just incase), then you need to hear this “Chronic Diarrhea is NOT Normal!”
You’ve been to your GP/MD and you were told – have more fiber, take a probiotic – and this too shall pass. But let’s be honest, at this point, you’ve got all the nearby washrooms google mapped. Often the idea of starving is better than having an accident in public. Basically, you’re getting by, but that’s about it.
You’ve tried all the internet remedies for diarrhea, but have you really been given a thorough investigation?
Here are the top 10 most common reasons for chronic diarrhea that we see in our office. Let’s use it to start your own investigation.
Reasons For Diarrhea #1: Constipation.
What? That seems like the exact opposite. If your constipated, and your stool is blocking the exit, your body has no choice but to liquefy to get out. FYI – constipation doesn’t only refer to stool texture, it always relates to frequency. This exit may be backed up!
Reason #2: Parasite or Infection.
In healthy bodies, your immune system fights these invaders quickly and in 7 – 10 days you feel like yourself again. But, if you are reading this, it’s beyond 7 – 10 days. Could this still be a consideration? Yes! Some exposures happen over (and over). You may not even realize that you are exposing yourself, while other nasty critters just won’t leave. Better to test then assume you are A-OK.
Reasons For Diarrhea #3: Food Sensitivity.
Nothing speeds up the digestion train faster then something your body rejects. Common suspects are dairy, wheat and eggs. These foods, sometimes in small amounts are ok, but in larger quantities they operate the gut like a slip and slide. Eat an ice cream and then have a strong urge to evacuate, we might be onto something.
Reason #4: SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).
This one often occurs following a triggering event (such as a concussion, car accident, food poisoning, or gut bug) which has altered the signalling from the brain to the gut (think of a slightly chewed computer cord). The body’s altered communication system throws some haywire signals which can include bloating alongside diarrhea, constipation or a classic combination of the two. It is often labelled as IBS. It’s curable, but needs a health practitioner that knows what they are doing to help you (and fiber and probiotics won’t heal this one).
Reasons For Diarrhea #5: Gallbladder Malfunction / Fat Malabsorption.
Good clues here are a lot of wiping, streaks in the toilet, stool that looks sandy-coloured. All these clues can tell us that fat is flowing out of the body in a form that is not digested well, making things a lot more slick. Eat a lovely eggs and bacon breakfast and then have to sprint for the toilet, or hold your right side in agony? If you answered yes to either of these, investigate here.
Reason #6: H. Pylori (aka Helicobacter pylori).
Who? This bacteria infiltrates the stomach and changes the acidity which can impact how food moves through the rest of the system. While diarrhea isn’t a common symptom of H. Pylori, we see it. If you are also getting any nausea or discomfort in the stomach this is one to add to your investigation list. Check out our blog on poop tests to find out more.
Reasons For Diarrhea #7: Stress.
Good ol’ stress does a number on so many systems of our body because it makes everything halt in its tracks. Think of stress like an emergency brake on a car. When it’s turned on, everything still runs but the car is halted in place, and things don’t run the same as when it is moving. Stress likely isn’t the only cause for the urgency and runny stool but it certainly can make all the others on this list much worse.
Reason #8: Gut Damage – Crohn’s Disease / Ulcerative Colitis.
This one is a bit more serious; it means that the intestinal tract has some damage inside. When the intestines become flared or inflamed then it can’t absorb fluid very well and the result is persistent and urgent diarrhea usually with some blood mixed in. This one can still have some of the reasons above as a trigger for it, but means the long-term management of the symptoms requires a little more attention to detail.
Reasons For Diarrhea #9: Celiac Disease (The Great Gluten Removal).
Similar to Reason 8, this one causes malabsorption of foods because of intestinal damage. The difference is that in Celiac it is caused by the immune system reacting to foods with gluten in it and starting a war inside your intestines. Can you have both reason 8 and 9 – unfortunately yes.
Reasons #10: Medications, Radiation – Outside Interventions.
Changes in medications, or medical treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy can play havoc with your intestinal system. If you’ve started a new medication or added in some supplements, it’s often good to see if any of these are triggering your diarrhea. Remember don’t adjust your meds on your own, instead engage the help of your health practitioner or a pharmacist to determine if you can adjust or stop a dose of a medication. While you are a super sleuth, you don’t know all the ins and outs of the medications (yet).
If you haven’t started your investigation list, then a good place to get started is by using our Gut Health Checklist.
At your next diarrhea discussion, bring your completed checklist and the reasons that stand out for you from this article to advocate for your journey to healing, and the ability to leave the house with a full stomach!

Dr. Christina Carew, ND, is the medical director of HealingMe.Health
She is a functional medical investigator who approaches health with an out-of-the-box problem solving attitude. Her patients love that she breaks what seems like complicated mumbo-jumbo into humorous stories, and digestible information nuggets. She witnesses that empowering patients to better understand their own health leads to better outcomes and healthier lives.

Whether your gut is making all the noises (or none at all) figuring out what is going on is your #1 priority. Download this FREE checklist to help you discover a starting point in solving the mysteries of your gut, and getting you back to a life you love.
Free Gut Health Checklist